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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

3 Steps to Succeed on Social Media

In the ever changing world, that is social media; it can be hard to keep track of what you've done.
Working with new sites and even just one can seem like a nightmare. You feel like you can't stay on up and end up drowning in old posts and unhelp information.

Don't worry! Steps can be taken to control all that media. I have a few I learned from class and in a blog by Rebekah Radice, her "How to Succeed on Social Media."

First thing is first, breathe. You aren't the only one who was outsmarted by social media. It's going to be okay and easy to get back on track. All it takes is some self-motivation, confidence, and three smell steps.

Step 1.

Take a step back.

Look at what you have in front of you
Do you see everything or just some of everything?

Look at the media you are using. If you're unable to make heads or tails of it, then how can you expect your customers too.

By getting the whole view, you can see what truly works and what needs improving.

This step back should help you to see what your customers are seeing.

Step 2.

Like Rebekah said on her blog, it's about using what makes you different.

It's about taking what you're good and using that to your benefit.

Having that confidence can make all the difference.

Knowing how you work and who are as a person, can help set the bar for your social media sites.

Knowing where you stand and stand for, means you're more likely to go after what you want.
You'll have a clear path with nothing in the way.

Even if something does, you'll know you have what it takes to get past it.

Step 3. 

Listen and try.

Listen to what others have to say about your use of media.

Then take all the comments or concerns and do something with them. Don't just scroll through.

By taking your followers, voices into consideration, it shows that you as a social mediator, what things to be right.

It'll also make them feel like they matter and that's a good thing.

In the long run, it'll help to build connections and a support system.

More ways to get you and what you have to say across platforms faster.

Well, there you have it. Three easy steps to help make your social media a little better.

Step back; while haveing the confidence in you to listen and try.

It may seem hard as first but with more practice and time, it'll get easier.

Growing Social Media by mkhmarketing, Flickr.
I, myself am still learning the ropes to all that social media as to offer. Until next time, good luck on social media.

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